What Christianity Are You?|Rev. Hibou Khumba

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After a century of Christian life, the value of Christianity seems to mean nothing more than the world as we are no longer different from the world. Today, it has become merely a tradition to call ourselves Christians. Thus most professed Christians are apparently just religious, moralists and philanthropists. We are more concern about what we should do than what we are. Therefore we love to do our wants rather than the will of God. I would like to ask three basic questions to ascertain what Christianity you are.

Are you Nominal Christians?
Nominalism simply means “in name only”.  When Christianity began in our community there were only truly redeemed people just as the churches in the first century who genuinely followed Jesus Christ. But as the years go by nominalism is increasing to the brink.

This nominalism has blurred the distinction between the saved and the unsaved, the chaff and the wheat, the goat, and the sheep. In order to alert the danger of nominalism, it is worth to mention some of its characteristics. The nominalism Christians are religious, but sinful (Mt. 7:21 – 23), and disobedient to Christ (Lk. 6:46 – 47).

They are deceptive (II Timothy 4:3 – 5). They distort the meaning of the Bible to justify their ungodly and selfish behavior. They are pretentious (Mat. 23:27 – 28). They may be called the modern days Pharisees and Sadducees wanting the praises of men and work for people’s recognition rather than God’s glory.

Are you Cultural Christians?
The cultural Christians significantly identify themselves with their indigenous cultures. They value the human culture and church traditions more than the value of the eternal word of God. The manuals and constitutions of the churches and organizations are placed on the equal footing with the Bible or even above the Bible. The cultural norms & beliefs are assimilated and accommodated conveniently into Christianity. They love the unity and fellowship in a community but not the truth of unity that Bible teaches. They are humanists whose philosophy is based on “feel good” experiences and interpret the Bible to suit their cultures. They culturally identify themselves as Christians but are never the true followers of Jesus Christ, and ignore any offensive verses to them. Of course, every cultural element is not evil in itself. Though they are not biblical, it is not necessarily anti-biblical. Basically, the problem lies when we judge the Biblical truths in accordance with our cultural beliefs and practices. Instead, the cultural elements must be judged by the scriptures to refine our culture and retain that are not detrimental to Christian faith and beliefs.(I Thess. 5:21).

Are you Biblical Christians?
There are quite a good number of people in our society who think that they are Christians but they are not. All the Inpui villages except the ones in the valley had celebrated Passover presumably that all had become Christians. Is that Christianity all about? Christianity does not begin with parents nor at birth did neither when one begin to attend church. It does not begin at baptism and by doing good work either. But it does begin when one believes Jesus Christ personally as Saviour and Lord. So to be Biblical Christian is a personal choice (Ephesian 2:8-9).

The Biblical Christians view the Bible as the absolute, unchanging and inspired word of God. And its goal is to know Him, do His will, follow His way and live each moment in fellowship with Him. The source of strength is God’s unlimited grace and power (Phil. 4:19).

In your workplaces, schools, colleges, and universities how are you understood and remembered by the people of other faiths? Do you represent yourself merely as Inpui? Is your Christian identity known by others? It is an undeniable fact that Christianity brought transformation in our community in every sphere of life. We should be thankful and grateful to our pioneer Christians and above all give praises and glory to Almighty God. It is not enough to become Christians only but let us be Christians also. What Christianity are you today?

Written by Rev. Dr. K. Hibou Khumba. Academic Dean, Chil Chil Baptist College and Seminary.

The article first appeared in Kala-Khwanbaang, an annual publication of Inpui Students' Union, Delhi (ISUD). 

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