When You Sign|Naga Accord|Poem|Isaac Inkah

If you think the time is ripe
I pray you to think again.
If you think the paper
That you are about to sign
Will guarantee us enduring peace
I hope you think again.

When you are signing on behalf of me
Can you see word by word?
Read it out loud
Memorise it if you can
Even the commas
Lest you forget.

Whether you are signing with pen or thumb
I hope the ink is blue
And your thumb mark is unblemished
If you are going to sign with some hesitancy
If at all,
I wish you tell me.

Or can you sign it only when it is crystal clear?
Like when you see your feet underwater.

When you are in that closed room
Far from home
And bereft of sunshine
Remember beyond that artificial light
There is sunshine with a rainbow
Waiting for you.

Finally, when you sign
Remember your people like me
Who sits at home
Somewhere in that promised Nagalim
With just hopes and dreams.

Isaac Inkah


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