Inpui 2.0: Vision Beyond the 21st Century
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Image credit: Andrew Bariampaan |
The idea to pen down this article has to be credited to one of the readers of Antrimwanbut Khwan who suggested an idea to write a book on the author's thoughts/opinions on our society. This article briefly outlines some social issues which require further elaboration. The building of a society has to be a collective project with a major onus on the government and local Civil Society Organizations (CSO) like Inpui Naga Union, Inpui Naga Baptist Churches Association (INBCA), Haochong Sub-Division Development Committee etc.
The community is one of the fastest-growing tribes in the state. Most of the villages have high literacy rates. And there is no family living in abject poverty. The majority of the family owns agricultural land that brings more or just enough annual harvest to feed the household. Some Inpui household living in Imphal also owns agricultural land as well. But the society has to progress adapting to the changes in the larger societal framework. Social change takes time and many of the indigenous society is caught between rapid development initiated by globalization and information technology and the cultural dilemma of adapting to that change. Modern education and Christianity played a vital role in the transformation of the once-remote society.
What are the major issues and challenges in society?
There are numerous issues and challenges which need to be addressed as the society is moving from traditional to modern, a crossroad between the emerged and the emerging, and also the conflict between the revivalist and the conformist. Now, the educated section of the society has started to have a relook at how the society emerged and the drastic change after the introduction of Christianity in the region. The majority of the people have accepted this modern social life but there are few who are critical of this change which the author is also part of. As the society adopts new alien culture and norms, the historical past was discarded without attaching values to it. One reason for this perception was the lack of a well-informed education and forced-fed false beliefs that hail the western culture supreme. But emerging social studies have pointed out the missing gap between the past and the present that failed to give importance to the traditional social culture and norms that bonded the society for generations. Though Christianity acted as a harbinger of change, it also destroys traditional culture without much respect for the past. As suggested earlier in my earlier writings, due to the slow social change and cumbersome nature of the revivalist in our society. Many of the remnants of the past were destroyed and forgotten and recovering such treasures will be time-consuming.
Corruption is defined as “dishonest or unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority often to acquire personal benefits. Yes, how is corruption a concern for an area or society with very few government officials and servants? It is more of moral corruption, a question of self over others, or communal well-being.
The clan is the immediate identity of a person base on the descent and perceived kinship. But if we have to move forward as a society this vague notion of “my clan first” with a biased outlook on the others or in some cases at the expense of the other clan, we have to eradicate this narrow classification of the society. Similarly, the notion of our tribe first against the expense of other tribes should also be avoided. It is always good to accept the universal idea of “live and let live” because a society ceases to exist when there is no cooperation. We need to broaden our mindset from just clan, village, and tribe to universal brotherhood. When a society is just competing against the other is has lost its sense of existence.
Witchcraft is often a conversation starter in every tribal society. This craft is connoted with the use of magical powers often use for healing, foreseeing the future, causing harm, or for a religious purpose. Though the practice of witchcraft is yet to be explained scientifically, there is deep dark fear in society due to the supposed harm that can be caused by its practitioners. But Kathiam or tribal healer is regarded with high respect in the society.
iv.Divide between hills and valley:
The migration of Inpuis from Haochong areas to Imphal valley is significant as the Inpuis in the valley has contributed their share in preserving our culture, identity, and other social aspects. One reason for the emergence of the divide between the valley and hill Inpuis is due to the acceptance of Christianity by the Inpuis in the hills whereas the valley Inpuis held on to the traditional lifestyle until recently and till today some families continue to practiced traditional method of worship.
If one has to study Inpui tradition in its own state then Yurembam (inte), Changangei, Sagolband, and Tamphagei are places where one should head to without any prejudices. The emotional gap between the Inpuis in the hills and the valley and between Christians and animist in recent years have been bridged but a majority of the leadership roles in the Inpui society both religious and secular are controlled and run by Christians from the hills with little scope for the valley non-Christians Inpuis.
v.The Need to Revitalize Economy:
v.The Need to Revitalize Economy:
Agriculture is the mainstay occupation of the community, and in order to shift from jhuming to a more productive form of cultivation, cash cropping becomes a necessity. The available land resources need to be utilized to the optimal benefit of the people. And in view of the emerging developmental projects in the area, marketing agricultural products will become easier and beneficial.
What will drive society?
In order to move forward, we need to strengthen the existing social institution before creating new ones. The role of the government remains paramount but if we are to have a critical look at the growth of the society then we need to analyze and scrutinize the social system, its structure, people's lifestyles, current cultural practices, etc. Here are some social institutions (traditional and modern), identified in order to channel the goals or vision of the community
The family is the first social institution where the seed of socialization and community living is sown. And in order to have a stable and peaceful society, strengthening the family bonds and adherence to basic family norms is important.
Family planning is one important aspect that needs urgent societal attention. Awareness of the same should be conducted by churches, students' organizations, and other NGOs. Without knowledge of family planning, the family is bound to face various societal challenges relating to the source of income, finance utilization, education of the children, and the contribution to society in general.
ii.Village Authority:
In the absence of a King or other overreaching rulers, the village authority headed by the village chairman and his executive along with the Thampei constitutes the backbone of the highest decision-making body at the village level. The major decision related to the everyday affairs of society should conduct is laid down during the Kraanmi Karung, which is equivalent to General Body Meeting minus women. But in recent years Women Society is often consulted on the decision that affects them. And the resolutions are recorded but oral authority is still adhered to.
Further study can be conducted in expanding the role of Thampei and the morung system in lieu of the youth club. This can be inculcated in the present village authority system.
iii.Schools (private and government):
In all rural areas, government institutions are left to rot. But in metropolitan cities government institutions like schools and hospitals are the most sought. This is due to corruption, service apathy, and lack of social awareness. Haochong High School was among the earliest educational institute in Tamenglong district and once acted as the education center but till today its lost glory is yet to be restored. Haochong High School performance in recent years cannot be considered as a meter of measuring social advancement. If Haochong High School is lying without producing any result. In the recent memorandum submitted to CM Biren Singh on his visit to Tamenglng, Haochong high school was mentioned to be upgraded to College level, jumping from Higher Secondary level, which is a leap of faith. But the groundwork is to first revive and strengthen the present schools.
There are positive signs in the private-run institutions. After the closure of Rose English School/Alpha Christian Academy/Harvest English School/Pistis English School (referring to one school), two private schools have emerged in Inpui area i.e. Berean School (Khumji, Noney) and Paangkriang Friendship School (Ijeirong). And if we are to produce quality education we have to support these private ventures.
But when the cost of education is flying up the roof. It is pertinent to put an emphasis on government schools. As absurd as it may sound. Government schools are one of the most sought institutions in big cities in India. Only the rich and upper-middle-class can afford to send their wards to private schools. Foreign world-class universities are mostly privately funded and you have to be either exceptionally good, get a scholarship or be a child of an exceptionally rich family to go to such privileged universities. But the Indian central universities such as the University of Delhi, the University of Hyderabad, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Northeastern Hill University, IITs, IIT, IIM, etc, are faring well. And many private universities are also coming up in India.
iv.Hospital/Primary Health Centre:
The Primary health care systems have improved in recent years but much is to be done. Haochong Health Centre is the largest in the area catering to a population of around 10 villages. Being in a remote area, there is an urgent need to have an ambulance service for emergency cases (currently in place). And apart from Haochong Health Centre, primary health centers need to be open up in Kabuikhullen area as well. Anganwadi centers in the villages also provide children with nutritious food and drinks but due to the corrupted system, only a few schemes reach the villagers.
Civil Society Organization/ Non-Governmental Organization (CSO/NGO):
v.Church and other religious structures including INBCA:
The Inpui Naga Baptist Churches Association and its Churches are one of the most influential social institutions in the Inpui society. The church plays an important role in both the spiritual and secular aspects of society.
The church conducting Green Sunday service under the guidance of MBC needs to be lauded as environmental awareness is much needed in the region as well.
The church having a granary: and selling at an affordable rate and offering relief through paddy is one very grand initiative often unnoticed by society.
vi.Inpui Naga Union/INU:
In order to remain relevant, the Union should have a constitution that caters to every aspect of society. In its long existence, the credibility, stability, and success of INU have been questioned. To simply put, there seems to be no proper record keeping of the office given the absence of a permanent office. But this in the recent day has been changing due to the entry of young leaders.
vii. Women & Youth Wings: In the age where women empowerment has become a catchword, we are still caught with the debate that women are not willing to participate in the service of society. It is important to include the Secretary of Women Affairs and Youth Affairs which will work and coordinate with Inpui Naga Women Union and the Youth Clubs of every village. There is also a need to have a Youth Wing which will be the apex of all the Youth Clubs.
And all these bodies should have representation in other non-Inpui union and offices.
Media Savvy Union: If we are to feel the pulse of the people, we ought to have good public relations within and beyond our society. And for this active social media (Facebook, WhatsApp, newspaper, television, radio, etc, engagement is required.
In recent years, AISU is has been one of the most active social organizations in Inpui society. After its revival in the early 2000s, there was no looking back. The revival of the earlier defunct Union is an example that other inactive social organizations should learn and act on. Vision 2021 is one forward-looking documents that aim to secure society on all fronts.
Space for other CSOs or NGOs:
What can be the Possible Way Forward
Peace in the land:
Peace or the absence of war and conflict is the catchword for the church, family, and society at large. Our prayers mostly revolve around peace and tranquillity in the family and society. Yes, in order to have peace we must contribute towards building a safe society for all sections of the society including children, differently able, women and other weaker sections of the society. We must live in peace with the neighboring villages and tribes. In order to do so, resolving age-old conflicts relating to land disputes has to be settled amicably.
Land and its resources: As population increases and the limited land and its resources including water, flora and fauna and the struggle to acquire these resources will be a source of social conflict as it is happening now and even into the future. There is an urgent need to settle land disputes with clear demarcation of land boundaries amicably.
Land and land laws: As land resources are limited, there should be land laws where land is not allowed to sell to non-Inpuis or to the government. And use the present government office location to the maximum benefit.
Indigenous Protected/Reserve forest:
With the demarcation of land, boundaries come protection of resources from human interference itself and in doing so give equal space for every living being to thrive on. Conservation of biodiversity is the need of the hour. If this issue is not pursued many flora and fauna in our area will disappear or extinct during this generation itself. Identification of edible plants, poisonous plants, and medicinal plants. As this traditional knowledge of making indigenous medicine with herbal methods is slowly vanishing.
1. Restriction of the use of guns, air guns, etc.
2. Restriction of the use of the non-indigenous method of fishing like the use of electric, battery, washing powder, etc.
3. Restriction of hunting during the breeding season.
4. Plantation drive of indigenous trees in reserved areas. Introduction on non-indigenous trees should be done only after research or consultation with the experts.
5. Limiting of rea for annual cultivation, a large part of an area is often demarcated for annual cultivation leaving large areas unused.
6. Instead of cutting the entire tree for slash and burn, pruning the branches and leaving the tree trunk will be viable for faster growth of the forest.
7. Identify major forested areas in the Sub-Division as Indigenous Reserve Forest/Protected Area or Indigenous BioDiversity park. This should be an indigenous initiative and not under the government laws or purview. The people themselves will chart the rules and regulations according to traditional landholding/ownership.
i. Antrimwanbut area (In coordination with Haochong, Pungmon, Nungtek (Karwangmwan) and Makhuam villages).
ii. Inthan area (In coordination with neighboring villages that share borders).
iii. Old Kabuikhullen area (In coordination with neighboring villages that share borders).
As climate change is an imminent threat, INU, AISU, or INBCA can initiate to celebrate Environmental Day to bring awareness to the people. Here, the INBCA is conduction Green Sunday as part of a climate initiative under the aegis of Manipur Baptist Convention.
Like, the management of forest resources, Water Resource Management is also equally important. The rise in population and other developmental activities will demand the supply of safe drinking water and also for other necessities. In the absence of nearby portable water sources for most villages, preservation of forest cover and managing water resources become pertinent for the survival of the society.
Mitigated Development infrastructure:
We need to be cautious about the over-exploitation of resources in our area. All development work will not necessarily benefit the society. For instance, the construction of road networks in order in every location to market the agricultural products. These roads not only destroy fertile lands, but can lead to landslide and mudslide and further limit the space for cultivation.
The coming of Asian Highway and Indian railway networks have destroyed a large chunk of cultivable land, paddy fields, and wet water fields. While we are rushing in to benefit from the compensation our land and resources are forever destroyed.
Information, Communication, and Media:
In the age of information technology, the absence of a mobile phone tower in our area was a living tragedy. But thanks to the coming of private players/company in our area. This gap has been filled to a certain extent.
But there are certain measures which we can take up in order to augment the communication gap in our area. Without any news outlet of our own, major media and information outlets in the state are run by the majority Meitei. Now local television, film and social media reached has further expanded. And till date, there is no newspapers, magazine, news bulletin, or dedicated website or social media page that caters to the need of the society. There are some active social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp run by the community but these reach and influence are limited to a very small section.
Culture Centre/Museum:
“Culture is our identity” is often the most misused phrase in our social (media) platforms. Though, the saying is true. The portrayal of one's identity without understanding the meaning attached to it and of others' identity is a worrisome trend.
An Inpui cultural center where cultural artifacts, instruments, clothes, animal bones, or anything relating to indigenous culture especially of the Inpui culture can be preserved and showcased. This will educate the present and future generations of our historical and cultural identity. The construction of Morung or Baku Inn at the designated cultural center will also be significant. It will also act as a repository of indigenous knowledge.
Apart from the cultural center, every village can have a traditional house constructed to act as a place for preserving cultural artifacts and indigenous knowledge.
And there are some dances and games which need to popularize like Taren Kaloinu which can be recognized at the state level for its uniqueness. It must be mentioned here that, all Inpui cultures and traditions are not unique but resemble closely with other Naga and non-Naga communities as well. E.g., folktales, songs, food habit, and attires.
Documentation of Traditional Law:
The onus of reviving our history and culture is on all the educated youth. And we must all try to use even our basic education to write and document some cultural aspects of our society. Modern society will not survive without traditional law and both have inculcated while framing laws. Documentation of traditional law is a necessity. But coding it to become a rigid legal book or system should be avoided in order to give fair judgment and also give space for emerging social change. There is a need to strike a perfect balance between adherence to cultural norms and values and the modern values system.
Seed Centre:
As agriculture is the mainstay occupation. The seeds used by our forefathers which are handed down from generation to generation need to preserve and study. And for this project, we need a seed center or some sort of exchange mode between villages for future keepsake and references. Indigenous species that are better suited to our soil condition should be identified.
The non-indigenous species especially the flora should be introduced cautiously. As some ornament plants brought from outside as decorative plants have created havoc to the nearby surrounding our area in the recent past.
Revive Traditional Fest:
If we are to revive and restore our culture, a festival is vital to sustaining it. If Muliangnu can be celebrated along with Thanksgiving then other festivals can also be revived in such a manner.
Mini Stadium: Youth resource is one untapped asset in our society. Games and sports not only energized the body but they can be a career choice. The absence of proper facilities in the youth clubs and proper grounds are hindering the growth of youths and blocking opportunities. A multi-purpose indoor stadium/hall and a sub-divisional mini-stadium with basic facilities are the need of the hour.
Revival of LAMPS/Handloom Industry:
The revival of the Local Area Multipurpose Society (LAMPS) can be used to revive the traditional handloom industry. It can also provide job opportunities and offer incentives to several families.
Inpui Unity Day/Inpui Homecoming Day:
There are some suggestions for the observance of unity day in the future which has to be initiated by the Inpui Naga Union. Inpui Homecoming event is something an apex body should conduct without delay. The next Inpui Karing Ngei which is scheduled to be held at Changangei, Imphal should be considered as an anchoring event where a grand invitation is sent to all Inpuis to come and participate in the community building process. Traditional blessing rituals can also be conducted at the event.
There are three aspects that need to be done in order to advance our literature i.e. write, read and speak. But in our context, it is 'speak, write and read'. Inpui literature is mostly limited to some religious books, booklets, song sheets, and souvenirs of churches. Much work needs to be done urgently in order to get recognition from the state. The role of Inpui Literature Society (ILS) is immense.
It is important to have an accurate statistic of the Inpuis. The INU & AISU statistic department/secretaries should keep the record of the Inpui population and not depend on the government decennial census which is fraudulent in nature and the INBCA record is not inclusive in nature as it excludes other denominations such as Catholic, Seventh Day within the Inpui tribe and non-Christians population.
For all this to be successful, we need to emphasize research (R &D) on all aspects of our society ( history, culture, politics, economy, agriculture, etc.).
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge". (Stephen Hawkins).
Western modern education cannot necessarily be the first thing on our mind when it comes to developing or pushing our society forward. Education is important but what education are we talking about? In the absence of traditional education/know-how, our existence in society cannot be validated.
Having said that since we have a literacy rate of about 60 to 70 percent we clearly need to pursue skill development, pursuing technical and professional courses which will give us direct job benefits instead of pursuing general conventional graduates. These skills in return should translate into creating an entrepreneurial mindset.
In order to welcome change, we need to learn how to control+Alt+Delete some aspects or characters of our society that need no further elaboration. And if we are to grow we have to give equal space for dialogue and constructive criticism as well.
For a comprehensive look at the various issues, challenges, and suggested solutions. Please refer to Inpui Naga Karing Ngei 2018: Reproducing Oral Narrative (2019). Compiled and Edited by Sachoiba Inkah.
Great flash
ReplyDeleteThat was a nice article it is very informative and motivative...and i like your previous article too that was great👍
ReplyDeleteThe article points out the very important aspects for the growth and prosperity of the future Inpui. Hope and pray the article will make positive impacts to bring the desire of the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for the comments. This article will feature in my upcoming book scheduled for publication (tentatively) 2018. Looking forward to all the response (s).